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Ofloxacin Metronidazole Benzoate & Simethicone Suspension: Combines antibiotics and gas relief for gastrointestinal infections.

Ofloxacin Metronidazole Benzoate & Simethicone Suspension: Combines antibiotics and gas relief for gastrointestinal infections.

Jixflox-M: A Comprehensive Gastrointestinal Solution by Biorika Healthcare

Jixflox-M: A Comprehensive Gastrointestinal Solution by Biorika Healthcare

In the realm of pharmaceuticals, there are certain brands that stand out not just for their efficacy but also for their innovative formulations. One such brand is Jixflox-M, a product of Biorika Healthcare, a name synonymous with excellence in the world of healthcare. Jixflox-M is a suspension that combines the power of three key ingredients – Ofloxacin, Metronidazole Benzoate, and Simethicone. This combination is designed to offer a comprehensive solution for gastrointestinal infections, providing relief and healing to those who need it most.


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